jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

Feni Drink

One of the most famous and popular drinks that Goa is actually synonymous with is the Feni. Also known as the Fenny, this Goan drink can get a person drunk in no time. This Indian liquor is of two types - Cashew Feni and Coconut Feni. While coconut Feni is made by fermenting the fruit of the Cashew tree, coconut Feni is made from the juice of toddy plants. The Goan Fenny is usually considered to be superior compared to all other types of Fenny. The Feni drink of Goa is a must try if you are visiting Goa anytime.

The process of making the cashew Feni is quite tedious and involves quite some amount of effort. First, the cashew apples are crushed manually in a rock atop a hill that is in the shape of a basin. This natural basin has a separate for allowing the juice to flow out when the cashew apples are being crushed. This juice is collected in an earthen pot which is then buried deep inside the ground to allow fermentation. During fermentation, almost 4% of the juice is turned into alcohol. This juice is then collected and distilled in copper pots. Then the juice is heated and the alcohol vapors are collected in a cooling condenser.

The distillation process is repeated three times. The first distilled juice that is obtained is known as Urrack. This drink is of a very low strength and is not too heady. The second drink is known as Cazulo which is slightly stronger than Urrack. Cazulo is not that popular and is hardly sold in markets. The final juice that comes out is very powerful and highly intoxicating and is known as Feni. This product has a pretty long shelf life is liked much by people. Though it can be taken neat, people sometimes prefer to mix it with cola, soda and lemon juice.

The most unique characteristic of Feni is its distinct smell that can be detected from quite a distance when Feni is being distilled. The quality of genuine Feni is determined by its aroma. The Feni that is produced after the third distillation is a product that is known for its excellence and high quality. This Feni is quite strong and one gets carried away by the aroma itself when the bottle is opened and Feni is poured in a glass. Fenny can be enjoyed neat as well as a cocktail since it has a versatile base. So when you do visit Goa, make sure you enjoy the beauty of the place with this intoxicating drink in your hand to add to the fun.

Dudhsagar Waterfalls

Location: Sanguem district in Goa, near the Karnataka border 
Highlights: Listed as one of the highest waterfalls in the world and India's fifth highest waterfall
How to Reach: Dudhsagar waterfalls can be easily reached by hiring a taxi or taking a bus from Panaji or even Margao.

The Dudhsagar waterfalls are located in the Sanguem district of Goa near the Goa-Karnataka border. It is located at a distance of around 60 kilometers from Margao and can be reached easily by hiring a taxi or taking a bus from either Margao or Panaji. Dudhsagar waterfalls of Goa have the distinction of being ranked as the fifth highest waterfall in India and they list in the Top 100 highest waterfalls in the world.

The Dudh Sagar waterfalls have a milky white appearance which is why it is named as Dudhsagar which literally means "Ocean of Milk". The Dudhsagar waterfalls plunge down from a staggering height of 2000 feet. The waterfall is located amongst lush green surroundings of the forests of Western Ghats which is what makes it even more scenic and beautiful. During monsoons the Dudhsagar waterfall becomes very lively and attracts tourists in hordes.

Many tourists who visit Dudh Sagar prefer swimming in the calm waters. It is quite safe to swim there provided one is careful enough. The Dudhsagar waterfalls provide a breathtaking view from the top and they look scintillating during the crack of dawn. Those who love adventure and thrill can always try to climb to the head of the waterfalls though the rough path full of rocks, vegetation and water. It may take a couple of hours but it will definitely be worth it! So if you want to spend an entire day in serenity, come to Dudhsagar waterfalls of Goa.

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Paraíso Tropical

Goa paraíso tropical

Goa es el paraíso tropical casi perfecto. Tiene todo el encanto y colorido, la espiritualidad y el misticismo, los olores y sabores de la grande India. Paisajes de palmeras y cultivos agrícolas, custodiados por familias de vacunos, de los cuales el más grande no te quita el ojo cuando entras en sus dominios. Inmediatamente, das un paso atrás.

Los templos hindúes, las ermitas e iglesias cristinas se reparten por los campos y las pequeñas poblaciones, y la tranquilidad y la paz fluye cuando estas cerca de ellos. Los contrastes son constantes y la época colonial portuguesa y su gran influencia marca estos territorios goenses.

A pocos kilómetros de Morjin, se encuentra Mapusa, una de las principales poblaciones de la zona. En ella , los viernes hay un mercadillo muy autentico y peculiar, lleno de colores, olores y sabores. A través de pasadizos, tenderetes, enormes almacenes habilitados como tienda y taller, puedes encontrar desde panaderías haciendo pan calentito hasta chorizo cocido y crudo.

La playa es el principal motivo de Goa, y la nuestra se llama Morjin. Esta al norte de Goa, entre dos de las poblaciones costeras más importantes, Arambol y Anjuna, focos de turismo hippie y rusos con ganas de fiesta.
Mide unos 9 kilómetros y es 100 % caminable. Por la mañana la marea esta alta y el mar es una balsa. La playa despierta poco a poco desde el amanecer hasta la llegada de los vigilantes, y entre medias, los paseantes madrugadores, hippies, rastas, gente mayor haciendo ejercicio, turistas con cara de resaca… También son protagonistas los perros aún revueltos de la noche anterior, y de repente, algunas vacas acosadas y desbandadas por culpa de los chuchos… corriendo por la playa, estoy en India.

En el vídeo cuando enfoco hacia los chiringuitos con las vacas pasando en primer plano, unos de ellos es la exclusiva tienda del la hija de Mick Jagger, Jade Jagger. Le seguimos el rastro musical a unos de los mas grandes de todos los tiempo, primero en Rajasthan y ahora en Goa, y sabemos que le gusta mucho India.



El atardecer es el momento del día de mayor intensidad en la playa, las familias enteras pasean, los 
niños juegan con las olas, y la mayoría contempla con misticismo la espectacular puesta de sol.

Las cabañas con rana incluida están en medio de un frondoso y exuberante jardín tropical. La energía del lugar es especial y sólo está a cuatro pasos de la playa.

Y como siempre lo mejor de todo es la gente...

Fuente: Reviveparty.com   Aventura en India

martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014